Alexander Rudyakov
Senior Partner
Russian, English
Alexander has specialized for over 15 years in corporate law, including the supervision of investment projects, debt restructuring transactions, and share acquisitions in companies. He also focuses on investor protection, compensation for damages caused by company executives, and the privatization of state-owned assets.

As a leading practitioner in civil law at the firm, Alexander has substantially contributed to the development of corporate and contractual law, as well as to the support of investment projects.

For instance, in a landmark case, thanks to Alexander's efforts, the court affirmed the right to jurisdictional immunity, resulting in the dismissal of proceedings against the Swiss Confederation.

In another case, Alexander successfully demonstrated the legality of including potestative termination clauses in a suretyship contract.

Among Alexander's notable projects is the resolution of a corporate dispute among the stakeholders of the Swiss company Jibrel AG, owner of a blockchain platform. Alexander is also actively engaged in shaping the legislative framework for digital assets and crowdfunding and in introducing advancements in artificial intelligence and robotics technologies.

Moreover, Alexander has been involved in facilitating numerous investment projects, share acquisition transactions in Russian companies, and debt restructuring deals.

Alexander is also enhancing the firm's expertise in venture capital funding.

Alongside his legal practice, Alexander serves as a senior researcher at the Digital Environment Law and Ethics Laboratory within the Digital Environment Law Institute at the Faculty of Law of the Higher School of Economics. Since 2019, he has been a member of the Expert Council on Digitalization at the Coordination Council of the Russian Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (RUIE) and the Expert Group on Digital Economy at the Leningrad Region Chamber of Commerce and Industry (CCI) (


Ratings and Awards He is listed as a Recommended Lawyer in the Digital Economy sector.
Recognized by the international ranking Best Lawyers as one of the top Russian specialists in Corporate Law and Trade Law since 2019.
Identified by Kommersant Publishing House as a leading figure in the legal services market, particularly in: “Digital Economy / Fintech.”
Also cited by Rossiyskaya Gazeta in the categories of Business Mergers and Acquisitions, Corporate Law, Real Estate and Housing and Utilities, and Digital Assets and Management.
Alexander graduated with honors from the Faculty of Law at the Academy of National Economy under the Government of the Russian Federation and holds a Master's degree from the Russian School of Private Law.
Legislative activities
Alexander participated in the development of amendments to the Civil Code of the Russian Federation (civil legislation reform), the Federal Law "On Participation in Shared Construction," the Federal Law "On State Registration of Real Estate," and the Federal Law "On Insolvency (Bankruptcy)."
Selected project experience
Provided legal guidance for the establishment of a joint venture leading the linear infrastructure construction sector. The total value of the deal is 100 billion RUB.

Was instrumental in the structuring and comprehensive legal support of a deal for the acquisition of industrial production in Russia from a foreign entity. The deal was valued at 18 billion RUB.

Facilitated the legal proceedings for the acquisition of DonBioTech. The overall cost of the project exceeds 25 billion RUB.

Offered legal support for a transaction involving one of the largest conglomerates in the petrochemical production sector, which includes more than 15 legal entities producing unique products for the Russian market. The total sum of the transaction is around 30 billion RUB.

Provided extensive legal support to DOM.RF for their acquisition of Rossiyskiy Kapital Bank and the SU-155 Group.

He participated in a joint venture aimed at developing several gas fields. The aggregate investment for this project reached 200 billion RUB.

Provided legal support for the acquisition of CryoGas, a significant operator in the technical gases sector.
Corporate law
Provided legal support for the construction and operation of a methanol plant in the Leningrad Region of Russia. Within the scope of the project, an optimal investor attraction scheme was developed, including the establishment of a Cayman Islands private equity fund, as well as subsidiaries in Cyprus and the Cayman Islands. Various investor-related documents were prepared, including agency agreements, corporate contracts, loan agreements, collateral agreements, guarantees, and share purchase agreements. The total transaction value was approximately 120 billion RUB.

Facilitated the financing of the Rosa Khutor ski resort construction in Sochi. The deal was valued at 2 million euros.

Provided legal support for the construction project of a gas processing plant in Ust-Luga. The deal was valued at 20 million euros.

Was instrumental in the structuring and comprehensive legal support of a deal for the acquisition of industrial production in Russia from a foreign entity. The deal was valued at 18 billion RUB.

Facilitated the legal proceedings for the acquisition of DonBioTech. The overall cost of the project exceeds 25 billion RUB.

Legal support for the construction project of a bridge across the Amur River between the Russian Federation and the People's Republic of China.

Provided consultancy to a European investor regarding the acquisition of mining assets in Russia. The combined value of the transactions exceeds $300 million.

Orchestrated the debt portfolio restructuring, including bonds, LPNs, and bank loans, of a baby food and dietary products manufacturer.

Offered legal support for a transaction involving one of the largest conglomerates in the petrochemical production sector, which includes more than 15 legal entities producing unique products for the Russian market. The total sum of the transaction is around 30 billion RUB.
Real estate, land, and construction
Conducted legal due diligence of land plots and construction in progress for a future amino acid production complex in Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, and supported the acquisition of 100% of shares of the company owning the assets.

Advised on investment projects in domestic and inbound tourism development, including utilizing budget funds. This entailed assessing options for acquiring land plots and located capital construction facilities (health camps, spa retreats, etc.) for their reconstruction, demolition, or capital repair.
Digital law and financial technologies
Preparation of contractual documentation necessary for the operation of the company (including a contract for the development and modification of software, which provides for the transfer to the client of exclusive rights to software and modifications created by developers, provides for warranty obligations of developers, their assurances aimed at ensuring that the client receives products free from the rights and claims of third parties). The amount - 2 billion rubles.

Legal support of a transaction to attract venture financing from a number of business angels, as well as funds in the form of a SAFE agreement. In addition, an analysis was conducted to ensure that the company's internal documents comply with legislation in the field of personal data processing. The amount - 14 billion rubles.

Legal and organizational support of a legal entity that acts as an issuer of tokens for digital rights. Including: drafting a license agreement for the use of the Works of the museum fund to create an original audiovisual work. Preparation of a decision on the issue of a token. Selection and legal justification of the chosen form of digital rights.
The amount - 2 billion rubles. 
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