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Legal and Managerial Risks in Agro-Industrial Complex

VERBA LEGAL invites heads of legal departments and business owners to discuss Legal and Managerial Risks in Agro-Industrial Complex at a conference to be held on February 18, 2025.

With the agrarian sector developing fast, and the state regulation becoming tougher, business owners and heads of legal functions are facing numerous challenges, from legal advice on M&A transactions and fund-raising to export and taxation matters. During the conference, experts will present practical solutions, discuss relevant cases, and assist in developing risk mitigation strategies.

Date: February 18 (Tues.)

Place: Hotel Metropol, 2 Teatralny Proezd, Moscow

Main agenda:

1. Mergers and Acquisitions in Russian AIC – legal aspects of assets transactions, distressed assets, lease of land, legal risks of M&A.

2. Fund-Raising and Debt Management – M&A financing mechanisms, bank support for the agricultural sector, court practice on debt matters, taxation.

3. Export of agricultural products – risk insurance and hedging, currency payments, logistics and certification, disputes with foreign counterparties.

For the detailed programme and registration, click here.

*Participation is free of charge. Registration is mandatory. *The event is closed for consulting representatives.

Related persons
Alexander Rudyakov
Senior Partner
Aleksandr Kuznetsov
Evgeniya Zainchukovskaya
Ekaterina Sitnikova
Ekaterina Tretyakova
Anastasia Simonova
Senior Associate, Attorney
Gogolevsky Blv 11, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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