Alexander Panov
Senior Partner
Russian, English
Alexander is a senior partner and co-founder of VERBA LEGAL law firm. Previously, Alexander was a partner at BGP Litigation and Pepeliaev GrouP. Prior to that, he held senior positions at major Russian and international companies (Abbott, Rusnano, Paypal, etc.).

He has more than 15 years of experience in legal regulation of the healthcare industry, as well as other complex projects in high-tech spheres, including venture investments in the IT and Tech sector.

Under his leadership, he supervised one of the largest projects in the history of pharmaceuticals related to COVID-19.
Ratings and Awards
Alexander is endorsed by international ratings from Chambers & Partners, Best Lawyers, and Russian ratings by Pravo-300, Kommersant, and Rossiyskaya Gazeta.
Faculty of Law at the National Research University Higher School of Economics, 2005 - 2010, and Phd studies at the National Research University Higher School of Economics (2011 - 2014).
Academic activities
Alexander has been a senior lecturer at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics since 2012 and was elected the best lecturer of the National Research University Higher School of Economics four times (2013, 2014, 2015, 2020). He is the founder and head of the Academic Council of the Master's program “Pharm Law and Healthcare” at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (established in 2018).

Alexander is also a co-owner and the head of the academic council of Moscow Digital School, the largest platform for continuing professional Education for lawyers.
Legislative activities
Alexander has been involved in taskforce to draft or amend the following regulatory legal acts: Federal Law of 31.07.2020 No. 258-FZ “On experimental legal regimes in the field of digital innovation in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of 11.06.2021 No. 170-FZ “On amendments to various legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the adoption of the Federal Law ‘On state control (supervision) and municipal control in the Russian Federation'”, and the Roszdravnadzor information letter of 13.02.2020 No. 02I-297/20 “On software” and associated amendments in the regulation of circulation of medical devices.
Selected project experience
Healthcare and life sciences
Legal support of export on international markets of the Sputnik V vaccine (2020-2023), the largest technological export project in Russian history.

Establishment of the first experimental legal regime in Russia in 2022, focused on personal medical aides (blood glucose meters and blood pressure monitors).

Development of a risk-sharing model for drug distribution under Federal Law 44-FZ for Novartis Pharmaceuticals (2017 - 2020).

Execution of over 40 projects in drug localization and contract manufacturing of pharmaceuticals and medical projects (2017 - 2023).

Creation of a legal model of software as a Medical Device (SaMD), implemented by the regulator in 2019 as a part of the regulatory landscape of the Russian Federation and the Eurasian Union.

Legal support for the consolidation of a portfolio of drug products (over 10 transactions) for Binnopharm Group (AFC Sistema) (2021 - 2023).

Legal assistance in the conclusion of 5 special investment contracts, the total amount was 58 billion rubles (2017 - 2023).

Regulatory support of Phillips Health transition strategy invitro diagnostics (CT scan, MRI) to a service-oriented model.

Legal support of a market launch of insulin and antidiabetic medications for industry leader Sanofi.
Legal support of a group of Russian investors in creating and consolidating a medical services market player, ranking among the top 3 clinic chains in Russia by revenue.
Corporate law and m&a
Modeling a deal and participating in the negotiation for the acquisition of by a Russian investor (asset valuation was around 300 - 500 billion rubles).

Legal support of the acquisition of the largest payment system by a major state-owned bank (the value of the deal was around 7 billion rubles).

Legal support of a network of deals for Roskhim Holding (fine chemicals) (total investment value was over 50 billion rubles).

Legal support of the transfer of IP assets from a mobile operator in 2023 (total value of the deal was 23 billion rubles).

Legal support of the sale of a metallurgical plant to a leader in Russian ferrous metallurgy (total transaction value was 30 billion rubles).

Legal support of a network of deals for Binnopharm Group,the list of beneficiaries includes AFC Sistema, RDIF and private investors (the total transaction value was 25 billion rubles).

Advising on the acquisition of one of the largest refineries by a strategic investor (total transaction value was 7 billion rubles).
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