Aleksandr Kuznetsov
Russian, English
Aleksandr has more than 12 years’ experience in consulting with regard to capital markets, corporate law and M&A, banking, and financial law.
Aleksandr is a member of the Primary Stock Market Committee at Moscow Exchange PJSC.
Ratings and Awards
Aleksandr is recommended by The Legal 500 international legal rating (for 2021) in such areas as Capital Markets and Banking and Financial Law. Aleksandr is recommended in the area of Capital Markets based on the Best Lawyers rating for 2021. Aleksandr is highlighted in Russian legal rating among the best lawyers in such areas as Capital Markets, Financial/Banking Law, Corporate Law / Mergers and Acquisitions. Aleksandr is ranked among the leaders in the legal ratings compiled by Kommersant and Rossiyskaya Gazeta in such nominations as Financial and Banking Law, Capital Markets and Corporate Law, respectively.
Project Experience Highlights
Capital markets (ECM)
Consultations to YANDEX Group during its restructuring with regard to listing of shares of International Public Joint Stock Company YANDEX at the Moscow Exchange, prospectus registration and issue of shares belonging to various classes.
Initial public offering (IPO) for PJSC Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies, a major Russian gold mining company.
Secondary public offering (SPO) for PJSC Uzhuralzoloto Group of Companies, a major Russian gold mining company.
The first ever IPO for a foreign company (United Medical Group, a leading multidisciplinary provider of premium medical services in Russia operating under the European Medical Centre brand) at the Russian stock market with a listing only at the Moscow Exchange (the company’s market capitalisation as of the start of trading at the Moscow Exchange amounted to approximately USD 1.125 billion).
IPO of a major Russian ultra-convenience store operator and the third largest grocery retail store in Russia at the Moscow Exchange.
Consultations to a leading company group in the Atlantic salmon and trout production sector in Russia on specific issues of the Russian law related to public offering.
IPO for APRI PJSC, the largest development company in Chelyabinsk Oblast in terms of housing commissioning and ongoing construction projects at the Moscow Exchange.
Consultations to a group of shareholders with regard to a shareholders agreement related to the upcoming IPO for a parent company of a major fintech service.
Consultations to a managing bank on specific issues of the Russian law to prepare for an IPO for a leading Russian company in software sales, IT consulting, IT outsourcing, and other associated services in Russia.

IPO for a Russian gold mining company established by restructuring a parent holding company that manages operating companies in Russia and CIS in the context of the existing foreign policy and foreign trade restrictions.
Listing of shares of an international gold mining company with a listing at the London Stock Exchange.
Listing of shares of an international non-ferrous metal ore mining company with a listing at the London Stock Exchange.
IPO for Obuv Rossii PJSC, the first ever IPO for a fashion retailer at the Russian stock market.

Support for additional issue of shares of a public joint-stock company engaged in the power engineering industry.
Support for multiple additional issues of shares of Russian banks forming part of international financial groups.
Support for establishment of multiple investment funds with the participation of Russian Venture Company, Gazprombank, Gazprom neft and VEB.RF.
Capital markets (DCM)
Support for over 10 issues of structured bonds of special-purpose financial vehicles on the part of a major Russian financial group.
Provision of legal services to a major Russian bank related to the establishment of a domestic RUB bond programme (with capital protection) to enable the investor to obtain the minimum guaranteed coupon rate and the potential additional income with its amount depending on the market trends for one or more derivative instruments for a wide range of assets, including shares (stock indexes), goods, currency pair ratios, and interest rates.
Support for two off-balance mortgage securitisation projects with the participation of major Russian mortgage lending banks.
Provision of legal services to a state development institute related to a mortgage refinancing project.
Support for a project aimed at cash claim securitisation under loan agreements (based on a special-purpose financial vehicle) for the benefit of a microfinance organisation forming part of a Russian customer lending bank group.

Support for a project aimed at cash claim securitisation under a credit default swap (based on a special-purpose financial vehicle) for the benefit of a major Russian bank.
Support for a financing transaction in the form of bond purchase for the purpose of the recycling complex construction project with the participation of Russian Environmental Operator Public Law Company and a major Russian bank.
Provision of legal services to a major Russian private bank under the project for the issue of bonds offered by a special-purpose vehicle.
Support for the issue of Alfa Bank subordinated bonds.
Support for the issue of bonds by a parent company of a leading Atlantic salmon and trout production group in Russia.
Support for the issue of bonds by a holding company ranking among the major Russian soy and rape plant processing companies.
Support for the initial issue of exchange bonds by SKCN Finance for the benefit of a subsidiary of Samruk-Kazyna Sovereign Wealth Fund.
Support for the bond issue project by the National Bank for Foreign Economic Activity of the Republic of Uzbekistan in Russia.
Support for the issue of government bonds of the Republic of Kazakhstan in Russia.
Support for the issue of government bonds of the Republic of Belarus in Russia.
Support for three bond issue projects by issuers from the Republic of Belarus in Russia.
Support for the issue of bonds of Russian Highways State Company under the bond programme.
Support for the initial issue of bonds by issuers from various economy sectors, including the bonds of Kraus-M engaged in real estate and development management, the bonds of MoneyMan microfinance company, the bonds of Softline Trade IT company, the bonds of a major Russian retail network, the bonds of Slavyansk ECO LLC engaged in primary and secondary oil refining, export and domestic oil product supplies.
Bank financing
Representation of a major Russian financial group with regard to the comprehensive legal support of the financing transaction for an electric car manufacturing company.
Consultations to a major Russian IT company related to execution of a major loan agreement with a major Russian bank.
Support to the financing transaction worth RUB 5 billion between VEB.RF and ARMZ Uranium Holding forming part of Rosatom State Corporation in order to implement an investment project for the construction of a new uranium mine in Zabaykalsky Krai.
Structuring and support for a syndicated financing transaction for Sberbank PJSC and VEB.RF in order to implement infrastructure projects in Russian regions.
Support for a financing transaction for the funds to be raised by a major global mineral fertiliser company in order to acquire shares of a major global ammonia producer.
Consultations to and representation of a major Russian financial group with regard to the financing to be provided to a company group to open new restaurants in Russia.
Support for two financing transactions for a special-purpose vehicle (mortgage agent) in order for the mortgage agent to purchase mortgage deeds with the subsequent issue of bonds secured by mortgage.
Provision of services to a major Russian financial group related to development of loan, pledge, security, share acquisition and option agreements as requested by the principal with regard to private and venture capital investments.
Support for a financing transaction for a Russian agricultural company secured by further yield.
Comprehensive consultations for a customer in order to attract funds to acquire shares of a leading Russian aircraft equipment designer and producer.
Corporate restructuring and m&a
Support for an asset consolidation project for a major Russian power company, which resulted in acquisition of 17 heat supply network companies in eleven Russian cities by the group’s parent company to prepare for a large-scale investment programme in the municipal heat supply network infrastructure.
Consultations for a major Russian power company to support restructuring of a major independent Russian power supply company.
Support for reorganisation of a Russian development institute to restructure the investment portfolio.
Support for control consolidation at a major port transshipment complex for the benefit of a major Russian financial group.
Support for control consolidation at a development / major asset holder for the benefit of a major Russian developer.
Support for control consolidation at a major metallurgical company for the benefit of its majority shareholder.
Support for establishment of a joint venture between the Russian Direct Investment Fund and Mubadala Investment Company (UAE) for the purpose of joint participation in a venture transaction related to investments into MEL Science startup (London).
Support for establishment of a consolidated microelectronics company.
Support for restructuring of a joint venture established by major Russian web companies to relocate the joint venture to the Russian jurisdiction.
Support for ownership restructuring of two companies holding railway assets.
Support for multiple transactions to attract investors to a major Russian vertically integrated grain holding.
Support for multiple transactions to sell shares of a major Russian defence enterprise engaged in radar equipment production.
Support for establishment of a joint venture between the Russian Direct Investment Fund and Mubadala Investment Company (UAE) for the purpose of joint participation in a venture transaction related to investments into MEL Science startup (London).
Support for establishment of a consolidated microelectronics company.
Support for restructuring of a joint venture established by major Russian web companies to relocate the joint venture to the Russian jurisdiction.
Support for ownership restructuring of two companies holding railway assets.
Support for multiple transactions to attract investors to a major Russian vertically integrated grain holding.
Support for multiple transactions to sell shares of a major Russian defence enterprise engaged in radar equipment production.
Support for a transaction to acquire shares of the Settlement Depository Company from Gazprombank by Saint-Petersburg International Mercantile Exchange.
Support for a transaction to acquire INGURU electronic insurance and banking marketplace by the Moscow Exchange.
Support for acquisition of shares of a major Russian aviation equipment manufacturer.
Support for a transaction to sell a fintech business consisting of a non-banking credit institution and an IT company to create a uniform centre for recording bookmaker and pool bet transfers.
Support for a transaction for acquisition of a company offering sea cargo transportation and processing technology solutions by a major sea terminal operator in Nakhodka Port.
Support for a venture transaction with respect to an electric car manufacturing company.
Support for a transaction to acquire a Russian bank to be integrated into the ecosystem of a major Russian telecommunications service provider (MTS).
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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