Tatyana Yakovleva
Russian, English
Tatyana provides expert consultancy to clients on real estate development and management, and the utilization of natural resources, including forestry, land, subsoil, and water use.

She boasts extensive experience in conducting comprehensive legal due diligence for major Russian companies, property assets, and production resources.

She is skilled in preparing legal opinions on urban planning regulation, as well as land and property relations.

She offers legal support in managing investment and construction projects, real estate deals, and M&A.
Ratings and Awards
In 2023, Tatiana was recognized in the top tier (the most "top-notch" specialists in the relevant practice area) in the "Real Estate and Housing and Utilities Sector" category of the Russian Newspaper's lawyer rating.
Graduate of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University, Master of Law. Specializes in urban planning, land, property, and natural resource relations (2020, graduated with honors).

Graduate of the Kutafin Moscow State Law University (Moscow State Law Academy), Bachelor of Law. Civil Law Profile. (2018, graduated with honors).
Selected project experience
Conducted legal due diligence of land plots and construction in progress for a future amino acid production complex in Volgodonsk, Rostov Region, and supported the acquisition of 100% of shares of the company owning the assets.

Assisted with the redevelopment of production sites in the Eastern Administrative District of Moscow.

Performed legal due diligence on a plot of land and an office center under construction in the Khoroshevsky District of Moscow, and provided legal support for the transaction for the future property's purchase and sale.

Performed legal due diligence of agricultural land plots and shares in common shared ownership of such plots, totaling over 1,600 hectares in the Kostroma Region.

Prepared a legal opinion on the legal regime of land plots totaling over 15 hectares in the Kaliningrad Region, including an analysis of rights restrictions and encumbrances to assess construction and other potential activities, evaluation of urban planning potential, identification of infrastructure constraints, and preparation of a pre-investment activity roadmap.

Performed legal due diligence of the assets of a key enterprise in the Sverdlovsk Region – a manufacturing complex producing processed aluminum and magnesium alloys and supplying the aerospace industry, oil and gas sector, nuclear energy sector, shipbuilding industry, machinery manufacturing, etc.

Provided legal assistance to one of the leading textile material manufacturers in expanding its production facilities, including the reconstruction of existing buildings, acquisition of adjacent state-owned land plots, construction of new facilities, and amendments to the Moscow Land Use and Development Regulations, among other activities.

Performed legal due diligence on a 148-hectare agricultural land plot, aiding the client in evaluating the land's potential for viticulture and winemaking.

Provided consultancy services to a petrochemical producer on the construction of essential infrastructure for a gas chemical plant within the Amur Region's Priority Development Area.

Performed legal due diligence on premises within a building listed in the Unified State Register of Cultural Heritage of Moscow's Central Administrative District, supported activities to adapt the cultural heritage site for contemporary use.

Participated in the establishment of an industrial park in the Special Economic Zone of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Assessed the urban planning potential of land plots across over 50 federal subjects of Russia for a client's investment projects in domestic and inbound tourism development, funded by the Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project.

Performed legal due diligence on the assets of a group of companies engaged in geological survey, geophysics, and geochemistry for subsurface studies, mineral resource base renewal, and transaction document preparation.

Consulted one of the largest petrochemical companies on approval of territory planning documentation during construction and reconstruction of pipelines, and the establishment of zones with special land use conditions.

Performed legal due diligence on more than 300 real estate properties located in the Perm Territory, Zabaykalsky Territory, Irkutsk and Volgograd Regions, and the Republic of Buryatia to expand the business geography of two major retailers through establishing retail outlets (stores) in the evaluated properties.

Assisted a joint venture project for the construction and subsequent operation of a maritime terminal in the Primorsky Territory (Free Port of Vladivostok), with components to be located on land, in inner sea waters, and in the territorial sea.

Consulted one of the largest private investment companies involved in various sectors, including socially oriented projects, on evolving trends in land, water, forestry, and subsurface legislation.

Performed legal due diligence of company assets specializing in high-quality rubber, aviation, and sports gasoline production, encompassing over 1,000 real estate objects, including hazardous production facilities (spherical tanks, cooling towers, pipelines), situated in the Republic of Bashkortostan.

Performed legal due diligence of a logistics complex in Moscow's new districts, comprising production and storage facilities, administrative and trading buildings, and municipal infrastructure.

Performed legal due diligence and support for the adaptation of a cultural heritage site located in the Central District of St. Petersburg for contemporary use.

Prepared legal opinion regarding the placement of a memorial complex in Mineralnye Vody, Stavropol Territory, considering the unique attributes of the site and relevant legal constraints, for the benefit of a national public organization and a charitable fund.

Provided legal support for the formation of joint ventures aimed at constructing and managing hotel complexes and accompanying infrastructure in the Primorsky Territory, the Kaliningrad and Kemerovo Regions, as part of the Tourism and Hospitality Industry national project.

Formulated a plan to erect a bell tower in St. Petersburg's Central District, based on the designs and models by a renowned 18th-century architect.

Facilitated land acquisition deals, including buildings and structures within their perimeters, in the resort city of the Krasnodar Region, with legal backing for the development of a resort complex.

Consulted a client, one of the soy producers in the Amur Region, on the applicable laws in the field of agriculture.

Provided legal support for the project to develop an agro-industrial complex based on existing production plant in the Kostroma Region, including the construction of a laboratory for breeding new varieties of potatoes.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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