Evgeny Mishin
Senior Associate, Attorney at Law
Russian, English
Evgeny specialises in resolving commercial disputes in the interests of large businesses, bankruptcy disputes in bankruptcy projects, representing clients in commercial courts, as well as international arbitration, and litigating disputes against foreign companies abroad.
He has expertise in commercial law, procedural law, expertise and legal design. He has extensive experience in litigation projects, developing complex legal positions and participating in commercial disputes on behalf of large businesses.

Prior to joining VERBA LEGAL, Evgeny was a senior associate and attorney at BGP Litigation and an attorney at Delcredere Law Firm.
Ratings and Awards
In 2023, Evgeny is recognised in the third group (very good specialists) of the Arbitration Litigation and Bankruptcy categories of the Rossiyskaya Gazeta's lawyer ranking.
Evgeny completed his Master's program in Advocacy at the National Research University Higher School of Economics.
Selected project experience
Represented a Russian client in arbitration under SCC rules in connection with recovery under a bank guarantee.

Representing a foreign pharmaceutical company in a dispute over the recovery of damages from a keeper of pharmaceuticals.

Defended a foreign company in challenging transactions involving aviation equipment in the bankruptcy of a major airline.
Representing an agro-industrial enterprise in a dispute with a state-owned bank in connection with non-fulfilment of PFI obligations.
Protection of the interests of the drilling company in the case of compensation for damages in the dispute over the loss of an oil well.
Defending the interests of a carrier in a dispute over recovery of payment for logistics services during construction of the Power of Siberia gas pipeline.
Representing the interests of the national depository in inclusion of bondholders' claims in the register of creditors' claims of issuers.
News and publications
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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