Valentina Shishova
Junior Associate
Russian, English, Spanish
Valentina specialises in international and Russian mergers and acquisitions, legal due diligence, joint ventures, business and asset restructuring, and corporate support.
Valentina also has experience in advising on sanctions and counter-sanctions restrictions and obtaining relevant regulatory approvals.

Prior to joining VERBA LEGAL, Valentina worked in the M&A and business restructuring practice of BGP Litigation.
Valentina continues her studies at the International Law Faculty of MGIMO of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
Selected project experience
Supporting a transaction involving investment in an agricultural holding company established by Chinese strategic investors, including pre-investment due diligence of the investee and preparation of legally binding transaction documentation.

Supporting a joint venture for the construction and operation of hotel complexes and related infrastructure (total investment of up to RUB 21.4bn), including due diligence of assets to be contributed to the joint venture's authorised capital and preparation of legally binding documentation.

Supporting the acquisition of the Russian business of a foreign fibre optic company exiting the Russian market with simultaneous restructuring of the Russian company's debt to the foreign shareholder, including support of the procedure for obtaining permission from the Government Commission and development of a mechanism for repurchasing part of the shares for potential return to the foreign investor.
Supporting a deal to create a financial ecosystem in Uzbekistan with a holding structure in the UAE.
Support of the procedure for obtaining a permit from the Government Commission for a transaction involving the acquisition by a Russian entity of a foreign investor's share in a joint venture for the design and manufacture of complex large-size steel structures for buildings - one of Europe's largest metal construction plants.
Due diligence of manufacturing, financial, pharmaceutical, agricultural and IT companies.
Advising one of the largest Duty Free operators in the world on fulfilment of obligations and potential termination of contractual relations with a counterparty due to loss of investment attractiveness as a result of sanctions restrictions introduced.
Advising a private investor on the application of counter-sanctions restrictions to a transaction involving the exercise of an option to purchase shares in an IT company developing photo editors for iOS and Android, which is a resident of an ‘unfriendly’ state.

Restructuring of the debt of a Russian subdivision of a Chinese machine-building company to a foreign participant, including preparation of relevant agreements and making necessary corporate decisions.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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