Maria Sakhno
Junior Associate
Russian, English
Maria specialises in advising individuals and legal entities on civil and corporate law issues, has experience in organising and conducting due diligence of large Russian companies, preparing legal opinions on corporate law issues, as well as legal support of mergers and acquisitions (M&A) transactions.

In addition, Maria participated in the preparation of legal opinions on antitrust compliance audits of companies.
Maria graduated with a Bachelor's degree in Civil and Business Law from the Faculty of Law of the Finance University under the Government of the Russian Federation (with honours) and a Master's degree in Corporate Law from the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics (with honours).
Selected project experience
Advised a leading Russian steel company in a transaction involving the acquisition of a 75% stake in the authorised capital of one of the largest Russian valve manufacturing companies for a total amount of over RUB 14 billion.

Legal due diligence of the establishment and operations of a leading Urals metallurgical company on corporate, liability and state audits.

Legal due diligence of the establishment and operations of a company specialising in crop cultivation on corporate and liability blocks of verification.

Advised a major Russian group of companies specialising in the production and sale of chemical products on the organisation of an internal antitrust compliance system (antitrust compliance).

Legal support for registration of an increase in the authorised capital of a joint stock company specialising in wine production with the Bank of Russia.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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