Varvara Lavrukhina
Junior Associate
Russian, English
Varvara specialises in issues of legal regulation of drug circulation, Varvara's expertise also covers the protection of intellectual property rights. Varvara's previous experience includes working for an international pharmaceutical company.
Varvara is a 3rd year student at the Faculty of Law of the National Research University Higher School of Economics on the Jurisprudence: Private Law program.
Selected experience
Preparation of reference materials, analyses of judicial and administrative practice on the circulation of medical devices and medicines.
Assist in advising the client in assessing the risks of refusal to enter into a distribution agreement.
Participation in a project to establish an experimental legal regime.
Supporting an international pharmaceutical company on day-to-day legal matters, including general legal advice, contractual work.
Preparation of consultations and reviews on advertising legislation.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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