Vladimir Domashin
Russian, English
Vladimir is an associate in the Dispute Resolution practice and specialises in representing major international and Russian clients in commercial disputes and bankruptcy proceedings.

Prior to joining VERBA LEGAL, Vladimir worked both in recognised Russian (Kulkov, Kolotilov & Partners, Bartolius) and international law firms (Gide Loyrette Nouel, Jeantet).
Law Faculty, Lomonosov Moscow State University, 2010 - 2015 (graduated with honours).
Selected project experience
Representing a major European bank in the bankruptcy case of a borrower. The bank's claim of over EUR 4 million was based on a loan agreement governed by foreign law and secured by real estate in Russia.
Representing a major Russian IT company in a dispute with a former employee over compensation for harm allegedly caused to their life and health due to working with innovative equipment.
Representing a foreign political party in the bankruptcy of a Russian bank.
Representing a Russian subsidiary of a major international retailer in a bankruptcy case of its counterparty.
Representing a European agribusiness group in a case to recover over USD 3.5 million in outstanding payments for goods supplied.
Advising on recovery of over USD 20 million from Russian legal entities and their guarantors.
Advising a Russian subsidiary of a European agricultural holding company on the acquisition of property in a bankruptcy auction.
Representing a major European manufacturer of petrochemical equipment in a dispute with a Russian customer over the latter's unilateral termination of the contract.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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