Fedor Tonkikh
Junior Associate
Russian, English
Fedor is an expert in settlement of corporate and commercial disputes, including those complicated by a foreign segment, as well as individual bankruptcy disputes.
Prior to joining VERBA LEGAL, Fedor was employed by a major Russian law firm.
Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration, Law Faculty, Bachelor’s Degree with Honours (2023).
Fedor is currently a student at O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University under the master’s programme in Corporate Law (2025).
Project Experience Highlights
Defence of the Principal under the lawsuit on recognising the business acquisition contract as simulated. The proceedings resulted in the Principal retaining 100% of the company’s ownership.
Representation of a participant in a limited liability company under the lawsuit on expulsion of a mala fide participant on corporate grounds. The developed defence strategy enabled not only to retain the equity interest in the company and avoid recovery of damages by a fishing company, but also to expel the second participant for obstructing the business.
Representation of a leading Asian food supplier in Russia in a dispute on recognising a transaction with such supplier as invalid. The purpose was to protect the Principal’s transaction on the purchase of a production complex completed 7 months before the seller’s bankruptcy from being challenged. The transaction defence was successful with the production complex retained by the Principal.
Representation of a major automotive equipment reseller in a dispute on recovery of debt under a supply contract. As a result, the recovered penalty was reduced by more than 4 times and the debt enforcement was postponed for more than 1 year.
Development and implementation of a strategy to impose subsidiary liability on the owner of a construction company under the obligations of a debtor dissolved under the administrative procedure.
Representation of a major pharmaceutical company in a case aimed at imposing liability on a beneficiary of a dissolved legal entity. As a result, the subsidiary liability was imposed on the beneficiary of the legal entity in the shortest time possible.
Development of a crisis response and prevention plan to protect the controlling parties from recovery of damages and imposition of subsidiary liability for a major international children’s and teenager clothing brand and children’s goods distributor in Russia.
Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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