Arseny Dampilov
Russian, English
The main areas of Arseniy's practice include advising on real estate law and dispute resolution. Arseniy represents both Russian and foreign investors in the acquisition of land plots and industrial, residential, office and warehouse facilities located on them.

Arseny's work experience in the relevant department of the Moscow City Government, where he headed the department of legal representation, allows him not only to advise public entities on the issues of registration and granting of land plots for the implementation of significant projects within the framework of concession agreements and integrated development of territories, but also to represent the interests of private individuals in disputes with state authorities on challenging the rules of land use and construction, recognition of ownership of unauthorised construction, disputes related to the development of land plots, as well as in disputes with the state authorities on the issues of land use and construction, recognition of the right of ownership of unauthorised construction, and disputes related to the development of land plots for the implementation of significant projects within the framework of concession agreements and integrated development of territories.
Prior to joining the VERBA LEGAL team, Arseniy was a lawyer in the Real Estate and Construction practice of Althaus Consulting Group.
Arseniy graduated with a Bachelor's degree (2016) and a Master's degree (2018) from O.E. Kutafin Moscow State Law University (MSLA).
Academic and educational activities
Arseniy is a Ph.D. candidate of the Civil Law Department of the Kutafin Moscow State Law Academy (U), as well as constantly improving his professional qualifications in higher law schools and on various Education al platforms.

Arseniy also developed and acted as a lecturer of the online Education al course ‘Lawyer in Real Estate’, conducted by Althouse Consulting Group for students and aspiring professionals.
Selected project experience
Legal advice
Due diligence of assets of Russian and European companies in the pulp and paper, brewing and cosmetics industries

Advising state authorities on land plots for the construction of electric power facilities as part of an investment project to develop one of the largest copper deposits in the world

Pre-investment analysis of land plots performed for the state corporation in the field of nuclear energy during the development of a project for the construction of shipyards in the North-Western and Far Eastern federal districts
Conducted due diligence of the assets of the largest property developer in the Moscow region (land bank, projects under construction and prospective projects) as part of its acquisition.
Legal monitoring and advisory services for the construction of a foam rubber plant, data processing centre and livestock farms for the largest bank in Russia as part of a loan financing.

Advising and due diligence of real estate objects for major property developers as part of the implementation of residential and office building projects.

Supporting a transaction involving the transfer of real estate assets from a foreign entity related to a hostile state to a Russian holding company.
Real estate disputes
Representation of interests in the Judicial Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the issue of appealing the Moscow City Land Use and Development Rules.

Pre-trial settlement of a dispute with the State Inspectorate for Control over the Use of Real Estate of the City of Moscow on the issue of bringing a complex of historical buildings in the centre of Moscow into compliance with technical registration documents.

Representation of interests in the implementation of agreements on integrated territory development in TINAO (enforcement of the agreement, disputes over land plot allocation, disputes over resettlement of citizens, etc.).

Representation of interests in the Judicial Collegium of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation on the issue of redistribution of land plots.
Representation of interests before the Judicial Board of the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation in a dispute over the vindication of land plots into federal ownership, complicated by the need to conduct geodetic examinations and resolve the issue of the possibility of forming the land plot in its original configuration as of 1970, taking into account the existing buildings.

Gogolevsky Blv, Moscow, Russia, 119019
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